Hyme’s First of a Kind (FOAK)

Bornholm, Denmark

First commercially operating plant.

First commercially operating plant

Hyme will build a scaled-down version of our product: a 20 MWh First of a Kind (FOAK) storage plant to deliver steam and district heating to serve the needs of the local utility company, Bornholms Energi og Forsyning (BEOF).

The Hyme plant will charge with 5 MW capacity and discharge between 1 and 5 MW in two different seasonal patterns. In winter, there is an intermittent need for heat in the utility. Meanwhile, in summer, the heat needs are around the clock. Hyme will deliver covering all year heat needs.

The plant will operate on a commercial basis after the initial demonstration of functionality has been performed.

Part of a bigger vision

The Hyme Plant is being constructed as part of a bigger vision at BEOF – to show how a combination of energy storage assets can turn heat and power plants from black to green.

This project is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program for climate innovation, the 2nd Life to Power Plants (2LiPP) project aims to build a scalable hybrid storage system designed to support CHP plants in their transition from fossil-based operations to key providers of grid stability and security of supply in a renewable grid.

2LiPP will provide valuable insights on possible repurposing pathways for CHP plants in Europe and around the world.

First-of-a-kind hybrid storage plant

The project will demonstrate how a combination of three energy storage technologies with different storage capacities and dispatch capabilities can be operated in parallel to provide a wide range of grid services:

  • Flywheel, provided by QuinteQ Energy

  • Recycled lithium-ion batteries, provided by PLS Energy Systems

  • Molten salt storage, provided by Hyme

A new type of energy management system will be developed by Pini Solutions to operate and dispatch the storage units optimally.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe Programme for research and innovation
